Let's have a look at all these creative activities.
We will color, paint, stamp, glue and learn how to use scissors. And most of all have pleny of fun.
So get ready for our selection of creative activities!

Rainy day?
Are you forced to stay at home?
Light up your home and let your children create a smiley.
Cut out a big cloud and let the kids color it as they want. Cut out one more cloud, bigger than the first one.
Cut several fabric ribbons (if not available, paper strips will do). Play with the width of the ribbon, cut various sizes. Make a knot on each end, so they won't unweave. Put some glue onto the top endings and stick them to the bigger cloud.
Cut out drops of various sizes and attach them to the ribbons. Let the kids decide how long it's going to rain and how much.
If the first cloud is dry (if not take a blow dryer and blow dry it) glue it into the middle of the bigger one. Be careful to cover all the places, where the ribbons are attached.
Finish the cloud as you wish. (big curious eyes, wide smile, little clouds)
And now put on your Wellington boots, open up the umbrellas and dance by the rain in the living room. It's raining men! Rain is not that bad, is it?

Humpty dumpty sa on the table,
humpty dumpty had a great handle.
But It didn't fall nor break its shell.
it tasted very well...that I can tell.
Print the template Egg cup or draw it on your own on paper.
Cut out the template on dashed lines.
Bend the strip from the template and stick it (to the marked line) on the back of the hare..
Omelette, ham-and-eggs, scrambled eggs, hard-boiled egg or soft-boiled egg? For my little one, a soft-boiled egg wins. And today it will be in a beautiful cup.

Bubble rubble fish, tell me what you wish...
Ever wanted an aquarium?
Make one with your little ones.
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Aquarium or draw a similar one on paper.
Take color pencils, crayons, watercolors, markers and color the template.
Cut along the dashed lines, this shape is easier for fine children's motor skills.
Prepare a cup. Choose different sizes and build your unique set of aquariums.
Glue the corals to the outside of the cup with duck tape.
Stick the strip of paper from the right side of the template onto the paper fish.
Then stick the strip on the lid of the cup. Screw lid on to the cup

Easter is comming.
Grab a piece of paper and scissors.
Today's program - singing rabbits :)
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Singing rabbit or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Take color pencils, crayons, watercolors, markers and color the bunny template.
Cut out the template on dashed lines.
Cut 2 strips from the template. Bend them on dashed lines. Glue them to the back of the bunny.
Put bunnies on your hands and open your palm (fingers away from your thumb) to open the bunny mouth.

Make a funny face, move your eyes and nose!
Blink, grin and smile, bare your teeth like a crocodile.
Today we having fun.
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Smiley cube or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Take color pencils, crayons, markers and color the template.
Cut out the coloured template. Cut along the outer black line.
Bend the paper template on the dashed lines. Assemble the cube.
Have a moment together, make a cup of tea. Roll the dice and try to imitate faces.

We have dinosaur eggs for Easter.
It's all about dinosaurs for my son.
Come and make them with us!
Inflate the balloon..
Prepare the mixture of glue and water.
Carefully stick kitchen or toilet paper on the balloon using a flat brush.
After drying, paint the egg.
Now, you can crack or deflate the balloon you used to create the shell.

We wil make marble egg today.
It will involve a dad :)
f he wouldn't want to, he will just lend us shaving foam.
Spray the shaving foam onto a tray or small baking tray.
Drip different color inks onto a thicker layer of foam. Just a few drops.
Gently stir the surface of the foam with a straw, a stick or a pencil.
Place the paper eggs on the foam and press with your fingers. Remove the colored egg.
Wipe out all the foam from the egg with a ruler. Pulling and pressing the ruler creates a marble pattern.

Little Red Riding Hood beware a wolf is coming!
Let the children tell one of the most famous fairy tales.
Today we are making puppets!
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Little red riding hood or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Take color pencils, crayons, watercolors, markers and color the puppets.
Cut out the template on dashed lines. Cut out 2 circles for the fingers.
Let the children retell one of the most famous fairy tales. Will Little Red Riding Hood listen to her mother, or will she go round to pick flowers and meet the wolf?

Mission control, we're landing on Mars in a moment.
Will we encounter aliens?
There's always fun in space.
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Salt universe or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Put the glue carefully on the lines and shapes.
Apply salt on a glue lines and areas. Wait until the glue dries.
Apply water-color paint to the brush and gently touch the salt.
Mission control, we're landing on Mars in a moment. Will we encounter aliens? There's always fun in space.

Circle, square, triangle and oval.
Learn geometric shapes with your kids during a game.
And don't forget to have fun!
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Memory game or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Take color pencils, crayons, markers and color the template.
Cut out the template on dashed lines.
Put the cut cards on the table. Explain the system of matching the geometric shape to the image to your children.
Have fun playing and making up your own pictures.

Roar Roar … There’s shadow of a dinosaur.
Take you pencils, take your colors,
Let’s trace the dinosaur runners.
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Shadow of a dinosaur or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Take color pencils, crayons, markers and color the template.
Cut out the coloured dinosaur.
Glue the dinosaur on the bottom of the new paper.
Stick the paper to the floor and draw the shadow at various times of day. Watch how the shadow stretches.

Do you know what an apple, kiwi, pineapple or papaya looks like inside?
Let's color them,
and put them together using the template.
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Fruit inside or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Take color pencils, crayons, markers and color the template.
Carefully cut out the coloured template..
Bend the coloured fruit on the dashed line. Apply glue to half of the back side.
Assemble the fruit by gluing the back halves so that it can be flipped from whole to sliced.

Tick tock ...
There is a simple way
to help your kid understand the analog time display.
Draw a circle or copy the outline of the plate onto a piece of paper and cut it out.
Glue a clock onto a paper with a contrast color. Use number stickers.
Cut out 2 hands (longer and shorter) from a firm material.
Pull the twine through a bead, put on the hands and shove it through the clock.
Now's the right time to explain why the clocks tick and why the hands keep chasing each other.

Let's play this colorful tile-based game today.
Make your own Fruit dominoes
with free printables.
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Fruit dominoes or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Take color pencils, crayons, markers and color the template.
Cut out the domino pieces on black lines.
Mix up the dominoes and place them face down.
First player lays down a domino. The next player has to lay down a domino with a matching picture.

Run barefoot on the grass, smell the scent of a spring meadow,
listen to the wind in the tree tops
and put some flowers in your hair.
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Flower girl or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Take color pencils, crayons, markers and color the template.
Enjoy some time outdoors with your little kids. And most of all pick some beautiful flowers.
Put flowers in the little girl's hair.
Put some on the paper meadow, on her skirt or even in her hand.

Bzzz bzzz!
Will you help me make some honey?
In fact, do you know how do bees make honey?
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Bee or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Stick the strips of painting tape in the places of the bee's black strips.
Cut off a piece of kitchen sponge. Let the children paint the whole bee yellow.
Carefully peel off the tape strips. And now the bee's eyes, ticks and wings need to be glued.
Stick the bee on the stick so that the children can insert it into the flowerpot.

Sun is shining,
let's go fishing!
Let's make paper fishpond.
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Fish pond or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Take color pencils, crayons, markers and color the fishes.
Put an office paper clip on each fish.
And now on to the fishing rod. Wind twine around the magnet and tie it to the twig.
And now you are ready to go and catch some some paper fishes.

Parents know how hard it is
to entertain kids during rainy days.
I painted a drawer from an old table with blackboard paint.
Pepare an old piece of furniture or a cardboard box.
Wash the surface before painting.
Apply the board paint in at least 2 layers with a larger brush and let it dry.
Prepare colored chalks, hot cocoa and enjoy beautiful morning moments full of laughter and drawing with your children.

This is a fun activity
with a moment of surprise.
Little by little, the child discovers a hidden picture using watercolors.
Paint a hidden line art picture using a white wax crayon.
Press firmly while drawing with white wax crayon.
Encourage your child to discover a hidden picture using watercolors.
Soak the brush in water and watercolor. Paint the entire image with watercolors.
The white wax will be water repellent and the image will show bit by bit.

Create star cards of the most famous constellations
with your children and look for them together in the night sky.
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Star cards or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Cut the template into 6 cards, or you can transfer the constellations onto the blue paper cards.
Cut out small and big stars from yellow paper.
Using an ear cleaner, apply a drop of glue to the star and stick it on the dotted areas.
Little dots are for little stars and big dots for big stars.

Days are getting colder
and animals are bulding their stores for winter.
Let's help one little hedgehog gather some apples.
Draw outlines of the hedgehog. Let your child paint the animal.
Now it's time to train fine motor skills.
By painting prickly pears for hedgehogs, children practice not only fine children's motor skills but also precision
Although the saying that a hedgehog carries its supplies on prickles is a myth, it is still a funny idea. Glue apples and pears on to the back of the hedgehog.

Spring and gardening goes together. But what if you don't have a garden? True is, that once we have grown carrots even on our balcony by mistake. Thought they were flowers :)
But if you want to create a garden with your children in which you can play even during rainy days, you must try carrot stamp gardening.
You will enjoy a lot of fun making it, because stamping is one of the top activities for children. In addition, they will practice motor skills and the right grip. Let's "stamp" the carrot garden together.
Soak the sponge in a brown tempera color and press to color the whole paper.
Soak a stamp in the shape of carrot greens in green color and press it on the paper.
Then soak the carrot-shaped stamp in orange and press it under the carrot greens.
Apply multiple times to create the whole garden full of carrots.
Want even more fun for your kids? Give them stickers :) Decorate the garden with cute ladybird stickers. You can choose what ever sticker you can find. Bees, ants, butterflies.

Indian headdress is a great activity for children and preschoolers.
We will glue crepe papers and color feathers.
Cut a 6 cm wide strip from the white paper and fold it lengthwise. In the middle, cut off the upper part 12 cm long.
Thread brown wool braids on both sides.
Cut 2 cm wide strips of crepe paper and stick them side by side on the lower part of the headband.
Apply the glue to the upper side and flip it on to the lower part.
Color the paper feathers and stick them on the headband.
Make holes at both ends. Thread the rubber band through the holes and tie it.

The sticker space crew discovers the universe.
Kids will squeeze colors sealed in a bag
and you don't have to worry about cleaning up.
Squeeze out the colors on the different places of the paper. Put the paper in a resealable bag and close it tightly.
Let the children spread the colors with their palms, smear them with their fingers or push them with a roller.
Carefully remove the paper from the bag.
Soak the toothbrush in white and spray the white paint on the paper by squirting your finger.
Let the children tell the space story by sticking stickers on the space sky.

A younger sibling has to try everything that an older one does, right? I am sure you know it.
They are attracted by the same toys, the same books. The younger one wants to be just as tall, be the same age. Cut with "big" scissors, glue with glue. He or she wants to do everything just like a older one who is a role model.
So what about an activity in which both children have fun? Where the older one teaches the younger one. And the younger one can repeat everything the older one does. And the final work of art is the result of a cheerful collaboration. Today we get creative in pairs :)
Rainbow is an excellent activity for siblings or twins. But every small child or preschooler will have fun.
Print the Rainbow template from downloads or draw a similar picture.
Tear little pieces of colored papers approximately 2 cm wide.
Children assign colors to individual arcs according to the Rainbow template. The older sibling sticks the papers on one side of the rainbow and the younger on the other.
Glue the strips of colored crepe paper in the right places. Again, perfect assignment activity for children.
Each child sticks their own cloud and the work is done.
So how did you like the cooperation?

Amanita. A nice colored mushroom that you can't miss in nature.
Children love to draw it. It appears on the pages of children books.
It must not only appear on your plate :)
Stamping, gluing and having fun, that's program for today. We will make mushrooms. Precisely wonderful colorful amanita. Perfect activity for children and preschoolers.
Print the Amanita template from downloads or draw a similar picture.
Soak the sponge in a red tempera color and press to color the whole mushroom cap. Let the children get "muddy" and simply enjoy the activity. And meanwhile you can drink your coffee.
Cut out a several paper circles of different sizes and stick them on the mushroom cap.
Cut the grass out of the green paper and stick it to the bottom of the stipe.
It's time to practice little fingers. Apply glue where you want to glue the mushroom ring. Glue the beginning of the strip of white crepe paper and tap it with your finger until you reach the end of the paper.

Autumn is here with all its bright colors.
The leaves rustle under our feet.
Today we are making Leaf herbariums.
Prepare the template for each tree. Go outside and bring a collection of leaves.
Take color pencils, crayons, markers and color the template.
Match the found leaves according to the template.
Can you identify them all correctly?

Do you know that snowdrops are the very first flowers that bloom under the snow?
This is a fun activity with a moment of surprise!
Paint a hidden snowdrop using a white wax crayon. Press firmly while drawing with white wax crayon.
Encourage your child to discover a flower hidden under the snow using watercolors.
Soak the brush in water and watercolor.
Paint the entire image with watercolors.
The white wax will be water repellent and the image will show bit by bit.

We produce waste during the day. Someone more and someone less.
Did you know that many "trash" can be reused?
Let's take a look at how to properly sort waste and help to less pollution of the planet :) Talk to the children in which bins which rubbish belongs. Explain to them that, for simplicity, each waste group is assigned a color. Some cities have more sorting containers than others. Customize the colors to sort the waste in your home.
Interview topics: Why is it important to sort waste? How do you sort garbage at home? How can we produce less waste? What colors of containers do you know?
Print the Recycling template from downloads or draw a similar picture.
Cut out and paint the models of the cubes (without the underside) with the colors as in the real containers.
We produce waste during the day. Prepare squares of paper for children. These represent the garbage that you normally throw into the bins in your home. Have the children draw pictures with the waste they come up with.
Play the game together. The children will sort the pictures of the rubbish into the right containers and you will then dump and check them.

Do you have little ladies at home, too?
Our little girl likes to try on my necklaces and bracelets. And I thought, how about making paper jewelry that she can color herself. So I prepared template with strawberry rings and bracelets.
Print the Spring jewelry template from downloads or draw a similar picture.
Color the pictures and cut out the pieces.
Then cut the strips along the dotted lines (always to half the width of the strip).
Twist the strips and set up the cut-out images so that the halves form the entire image.

The days are getting warmer and children are exploring the nature. They collect flowers in a herbarium, observe beetles under a magnifying glass and write down their knowledge in hand-made notebooks. It's an amazing time to explore nature. They return from each walk with pockets full of stones and twigs. It doesn't matter if we were in the woods, in a meadow, in a garden or round the block. And so, we simply turned this fun into a creative activity, combining coloring activity and a stay in the fresh air.
Let the kids color the pictures.
And now go for a walk in nature. Each kid can fill its box or they can work together.
You can talk about these little natural treasures at home.
Did the children notice that we find different things in the forest, in the meadow and others in the city?

Do you like Pippi Longstocking from Astrid Lindgren, too? Her ginger tangled braids always upside down, great ideas and the incredible strength with which she can lift her own horse?
I'm going to the library to borrow books with her stories for my little ones. And in the meantime, we'll make a paper version of her at home.
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Pippi or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Let the kids color the parts and cut them out carefully.
Punch holes in the marked places. Use paper rivets to join the parts together.
From the back side, attached loosely pairs of braids arms and legs together using cotton twine.
Add cotton twine to the center of each pair and end it with a bead
When you pull the twine, Pippi will lift the braids, hands and feet.

Kids love painting with fingers.
Let's make cheerful colorful butterflies today using a toilet roll.
Cut out butterfly wings.
Give the children tempera paints in a cup and let them paint the whole wings using their fingers. Play with color combinations.
Cut out the eyes from the paper and stick them on a roll of toilet paper.
Cut out 2 ticks and stick them on the inside of the roll.
Glue the roll to the wings and the butterfly is ready

The summer equinox is here.
Let's celebrate it by making floral headbands.
Or let's make them just for fun :)
Cut a paper strip that is as long as the circumference of your head.
Draw paper flowers or print a free downloadable Flower template.
Cut out the petals from different shades of green paper, draw the veins and stick them on the headband.
Stick the flowers on the petals and glue the headband so that it fits on your head.

Summer is here :)
The temperature is rising. It is great to spend the free days by the water.
Let's try this funny sea craft activity.
Tear strips of different shades of blue and stick them on top of each other on the bottom half of the paper.
Cut 1 larger circle and 4 smaller ones from the orange paper.
Fold them in half and then glue them to the paper to unload the crab. Finish it with paper eyes and drawn legs.
Cut a circle out of the yellow paper and cover it with crepe paper. Stick the sun on the top half of the paper.
Show children how to make a paper boat. It's a great exercise for children's motor skills and precision.
It's up to you how many boats you glue on the paper sea.

Have you seen this funny house?
And do you know who lives in it?
We are making a paper hotel for insects today.
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Insect hotel or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Color and cut out the bugs.
Cut out the shape of the house from the cardboard and stick 2 rectangles of colored paper on it.
Use a paper roll as a stamp and stamp tempera-colored rings on colored paper.
Glue the legs or wings to the beetles and glue them to the insect house.

Today we will become artists for a day!
Gogh, Mondrian, or many others.
There are no limits to creativity.
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Little artist or draw a similar one on hard paper.
First, draw the outlines of the second half of the picture with a pencil.
Color the picture with colors.
You can color it according to the original, or come up with your own color design.
Today you are the artist, so don't forget to write your name on the right side of the picture.

Let's play this colorful tile-based game today.
Make your own "autumn leaves" dominoes
with free printables.
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Autumn dominoes or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Take color pencils, crayons, markers and color the template.
Cut out the domino pieces on black lines.
Mix up the dominoes and place them face down.
First player lays down a domino. The next player has to lay down a domino with a matching picture.

Today we will be pairing
the fruits with the leaves.
Can you connect all the pairs correctly?
print the FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE Autumn memory game or draw a similar one on hard paper.
Take color pencils, crayons, markers and color the template.
Cut out the template on dashed lines.
Put the cut cards on the table. Explain the system of matching the lead to the fruit to your children.
Have fun playing.

There are beautiful, colorfull leaves all around
that are slowly falling from the trees.
Today, the colorful leaves of the trees will fall right on our paper.
Collect colored leaves.
Draw a tree on the paper.
Use a hole punch to cut out different shapes into the leaves.
Glue colored leaves on the tree.
Glue small pieces that you cut out of the leaves on to the paper as if they are falling from the tree.

Do you have little ladies at home, too?
Our little girl likes to try on my necklaces and bracelets. And I thought, how about making paper jewelry that she can color herself. So I prepared template with leaves and mushroom rings and bracelets.
Print the Autumn jewelry template from downloads or draw a similar picture.
Color the pictures and cut out the pieces.
Then cut the strips along the dotted lines (always to half the width of the strip).
Twist the strips and set up the cut-out images so that the halves form the entire image.

It's getting dark soon and one by one the windows in the houses light up in the evening.
Let's create a cozy atmosphere today.
We will light the room with a city lantern.
Print the City lantern template from downloads or draw a similar picture on translucent paper.
Color the picture with black marker.
Prepare a jam cup and cut the paper to the required length
Wrap the paper around the cup and glue it together.

Spring is in the air. The bees buzz happily again and bring their precious pollen and nectar to the hive.
They hide their treasures in honeycomb cells to make honey.
Make a small paper box for your spring treasures, too.
Print thePaper Bee Box template from downloads or draw a similar one on thepaper.
Color the pictures and cut it out.
Then cut out small rectangular holes.
Bend the paper template on the dashed lines. Assemble the paper box.